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your giving makes a difference

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your gift goes further with gift aid!

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate to Victory Outreach Manchester. Gift Aid is reclaimable by the church charity from the tax you have paid over the past four tax years. 
To fill out a Gift Aid declaration form please click this link. Or if you prefer, send an email to and we will contact you.

use our bank details

Make a payment via BACS transfer to our Natwest account

sort code 01-05-31 account no. 40641570

For international donations please use the following:


gb19NWBK 010531 40641570 



use your debit card

Make a card payment through our online giving service by tapping the button below

use your CHEQUE BOOK

Make a cheque out to Victory Outreach Manchester and send it to

victory outreach, 19 liverpool st, m5 4ly

united we can

To support our world missions fund, click here

why give to VO Manchester?

our mission

Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelising and discipling the hurting people of the world with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ. This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches and training centres in strategic cities of the world. Your giving supports our mission.

Tithes & Offerings

We believe giving tithes and donations to your local church is encouraged by the Bible. For more on our view on tithing, click here.


We are a church who partners with sober living facilities, and we also run varied programmes, to assist and mentor men and women recovering from substance addiction. You can help by making a donation.

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