We are a culturally
diverse city church called to make a lasting impact in our generation

We aim to create fresh environments for people, shattering pre-conceived notions about church

We want people to become everything they were created to be

We may not be the best church...
But we're pretty good!
our mission statement
Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelising and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ.
This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches and training centres,
in strategic cities of the world.
Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life
with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny.
Victory Outreach works cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.
the UK/Germany region
Victory Outreach Manchester is one of six Victory Outreach churches in the United Kingdom and Germany.
Find the others below: